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Your Personalized Podcast Insight Engine

Don't settle for generic AI summaries. IntriguePrism builds a profile of your unique interests & preferences, and uses that to pull out the insights that matter most to you.

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IntriguePrism App

Turn Podcast Overload into Actionable Insights

Select Your Podcasts

Select Your Podcasts

Add all of your favorite shows from iTunes

Grade The AI Insights

Grade The AI Insights

Tell IntriguePrism which insights are interesting & not interesting to you. Create your own interest & disinterest categories. Let it learn exactly what you like & dislike.



After you've graded 100 insights, you'll have your first IntriguePrism. It now knows what you like & don't like, and will use that to filter every new podcast episode through that prism, to pull out the points that are most interesting to you.

You Grow - So Does Your Prism

Updates & Refines Over Time

Your tastes change. Your interests change. Your Prism changes with you. The more you use it, the more it learns about you, and the better it gets at pulling out the insights that matter most to you.

Advanced Prompt Engineering & Workflow

IntriguePrism isn't a simple ChatGPT wrapper. There are over a dozen lovingly crafted prompts that make up the flow from transcribing a podcast through to passing it through your unique IntrigePrism to pull out the most relevant insights, and then through a separate GradingPrism to filter those down the ones most likely to appeal to you. This is orders of magnitude more sophisticated than "ChatGPT, summarize this podcast for me."

AI Model Predictions

Why IntriguePrism

Built For Info-Seekers

I'm a life-long information hoarder - I want to know a bit about everything, and I want to know it now.

Most importantly, I want to find insights that are relevant to me: to my business, to my life, to my current interests.

I built IntriguePrism to scratch my own itch. This isn't a way to get a summary about the latest "hang-out" podcasts. It's a way to do just 2 things, but do them well:

1. Pull out the most interesting nuggets from the podcasts I love, and

2. Help me whittle down which episodes are in the "must listen" pile, and which are in the "maybe later" pile.

Master Your Backlog

Nobody's got time to listen to every episode of their favorite podcasts, let alone tackle the backlogs!

Once your IntriguePrism is generated, you can use it to get all of the insights from all previous episodes, and to keep up with the new ones.

Even listening at 2X speed only goes so far - but when you can get all of the parts of an episode that interests you in 2 minutes, you can get through a lot more content in a lot less time.

Even better - if an episode only has 1-2 points that would interest you, you can feel a lot better about skipping it!




  • 20 Episode Transcription Credits (one-time)
  • Automatic IntriguePrism Generation
  • Export Summaries / Insights
Get started



  • 75 Episode Transcription Credits/Month
  • Automatic IntriguePrism Generation & Updates
  • Export Summaries / Insights
Get started



  • 200 Episode Transcription Credits/Month
  • Automatic IntriguePrism Generation
  • Export Summaries / Insights
  • Insight Webhooks (coming soon)
Get started

More to come

I'm constantly working on new features to help you get the most out of your podcast backlog.

For now - join the waitlist, and be one of my early users to help shape the future of IntriguePrism.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is IntriguePrism?

IntriguePrism is an AI-powered podcast summary tool, that learns your preferences over time, and creates summaries specifically tailored to your interests.

How does it work?

IntriguePrism uses advanced AI models and prompt engineering to generate a profile of you (the IntriguePrism) based on your interests. By continuing to "grade" the insights, it learns more and more about you, and tailors the prism to be a better representation of your current interests.

Is there a free trial?

Yes, you can try it on up to 30 episodes for free (you should be able to generate your IntriguePrism after about 10-15 episodes, to see the difference between the generic and tailored insight generation)

Why the waitlist? Why not just let me join now?

I'm a solo developer, and I want to make sure that the experience is as smooth as possible for everybody before I open the doors to everybody and anybody.

That means I need to get feedback from early users, and make sure that I'm building something that I'm genuinely proud of sharing.

And, to be fully honest, it means I need to get feedback about whether there is enough interest before I take the time to set up payment links, credit systems, and all of the other things that would be required to turn this from an app just for me, into something that I can open up to the world.

I'd love to have you as one of those early users, if you'll agree to provide feedback & help me make IntriguePrism the best it can be.

Join the IntriguePrism Waitlist